Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day of Smoking

We decided that if we were going to fire up the smoker and use all that charcoal and wood, that we would make it worth our while.

We began with a pork roast with a rub. This was on the longest -- about 8 hours and was used for sandwiches. We poured a bit of Sweet Baby Rays on top.

The chicken was the best. It was on for about 4 hours and was coated in a jerk seasoning. I used the leftovers in enchiladas. The breast meat was so juicy it was unbelievable...I've never seen it like that before.

And then some beef. Again we used the chipolte marinade. This was just a cheap piece of some type of roast. Should have taken it off earlier - it was still good but not my favorite.

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